Our Culture
Wanted: Changemakers and Accomplices!
MSDC is building a culture based on Metis values, knowledge, and culture.
We value lived experience from all walks of life and impactful, dynamic dialogue that brings many viewpoints to the table. Together we make change and build new paths to Indigenous economic prosperity and participation.
Our values are truly how we work together, interact with stakeholders and build a reputation of professionalism and integrity.

Telling the truth. Leading in reliability, trustworthiness, transparency, loyalty, and sincerity.
Living the Value Means: “We don’t know what we don’t know and cannot understand another’s experience as we have not walked in their shoes. We are vulnerable and open to learning. We lead with empathy and a deep desire learn.”
Respecting diverse relationships through understanding, building trust, and creating mutual relationships.
Living the Value Means: “We acknowledge the diverse relationships enhance our understanding and perspective, and we welcome various opinions, viewpoints and positive debate.”

Demonstrating strong and sound moral and ethical principles; always doing the right thing.
Living the Value Means: “Always doing the right thing, even when it is hard, is our DNA. Integrity, fairness, and accountability for our actions are core in all our decisions and relationships.
Working together towards common goals and creating mutually beneficial relationships.
Living the Value Means: “We lead when appropriate to build opportunities, we participate actively in partnersh